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Welcome to The Events Summit 2024 Registration Page.


MEI members can benefit from 33% off any registration type, contact the MEI team today to benefit from this exclusive discount.

​Please get in touch below if you are interested in registration or require any more information
+44 (0) 207 709 2350

Blue and White Minimalist Comparison Chart Graph (Document (A4)).png


Delegates can benefit from additional opportunities during the summit, please see the table below for information. Any queries please contact the MEI team using the details below.

MEI can develop a bespoke discounted package for delegates wishing to take advantage of the additional opportunities. 


Please select which ticket group applies to you and select the type of passes you require. There are limitations on qualification for attendance and we will email you to confirm your request to attend has been approved.


Please DO NOT book travel and accommodation until you have received this confirmatory email.

If you have any questions, get in touch using the details below


We look forward to seeing you in Manchester.

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